Tally Family

Craig Tally and Anita Tally worked on this family tree together for a number of years, but since Anita's retirement, she has taken the lead. Use the Surname Index to browse all the Tallys, Sneeds, Rices, and related families. Your search will take you far indeed! There are some illustrious folks in this family. You see that there also are links in the Menu Bar to the Hill family and the Bennett family. Happy hunting!

Brentvale was the original home site of William Temple Sneed, the seventh child of James Sneed. The home was constructed in 1830 using enormous logs and was reputed to outlast the elements for 145 years. The house once stood on Old Smyrna Road. Later, Brentvale Farms was the home of Larry and Janis Gatlin. When they sold the property to Roger Mick in 1993, Mr. Mick gifted the original log house to the city and it was moved to Crockett Park.
These are the sons of Constantine Perkins Sneed (1790-1864) who was the brother of William Temple Sneed - Thomas Nicholas Sneed (b. 1850), Robert Scales Sneed (b.1835), James Hardeman Sneed (b.1828) and William Lent Hardeman Sneed (b.1846)
Maggie McQuiston Rice Weiss (1867-1959)
Glen B. Rice holding Arline Grace, b. 1923